Transfer Student Assessment
Dear parents,
The transfer student assessment is for students who are willing to commence at VKBS in February 2022 and who are currently in Grade 1~4 and Grade 6~8. Please refer to the following information about the assessment.
考试时间 Test Time
2021年12月03日 周五 15:30~17:30
15:30~17:30 Friday, Dec. 3rd 2021
Please arrive at school and sign in 30 minutes in advance.
考试科目 Test Subjects
笔试:语文 数学 英语
Written Component: Chinese Math English
Oral Component: Candidates will be informed by the admission office to schedule the oral component if they pass the written test.
招收年级 Who can apply
申请方式 How to apply
Scan the following QR code to complete the online application. Our admissions office will inform parents 3 days in advance once we receive your application. Please avoid double submission.
▲ 本次插班生报名截止时间:11月30日 12:00,后续报名的学生校方会安排在下次考试,请耐心等候学校通知,感谢您的配合和理解!
The application deadline is 12:00 Nov. 30th. Applications must be submitted before this time. The school will organize another test if you are not able to apply on time. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

温馨提醒 Tips
1. 学生及家长需全程佩戴口罩;
2. 进入校园需出示“随申码”及“通信大数据行程”,配合安保人员进行体温检测,填写健康承诺书;
3. 14天内有离沪记录的需提前一天将”核酸检测报告”发至万科双语招生办:adm_vkbs@dtd-edu.cn 感谢您的理解和配合!
1. Students and parents must wear masks on campus at all times.
2. To enter the campus, you need to fill in the health form and have your temperature checked, and you must have a green health code and travel code.
3. Those who have a history of leaving Shanghai within the last 14 days should send the report of negative nucleic acid test results to the admission office 1 day in advance. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
招生办联系方式Contact us
邮箱地址 E-mail:adm_vkbs@dtd-edu.cn
联系电话 Tel:021-6459 9759
(周一~周五 8:30~11:30, 13:00~16:30)
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 上海万科双语